
Won a bet with a high odds on a Soccer match from a bookmaker

Bet Soccer France: Le Havre - Lorient

I want to say right away that I watched the broadcast of the Le Havre – Lorient match on the bookmaker’s website and was surprised at how Soccer was played. The most important surprise was when my system predicted this sporting event after I added the statistics of both teams on the players who were supposed to take the field in the first half. I was surprised by the sports prediction that was displayed on the screen after the automatic calculation of the match by my sports analyzer! Winning money against a bookmaker using automatic match prediction is the dream of all sports bettors.

But the most important thing in this match is that the system calculated and displayed the team for which the odds are quite large compared to other bets placed on this site. It turns out that for sports prediction, my system has trained well to let me win against bookmakers that are located in many online casinos. Now I’ll write another sports forecast on the site next. It has already been predicted by my system with an automatic analyzer of many sports. Wait. Congratulations to everyone who also bet on this match at the bookmaker and received a win with a large odds, earned like me.

broadcast of the match and the result is 3:0. I won $5200 🙂

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