
Won $6100 from 1win bookmaker using CSGO match

IMG 20230901 195044 653 1win

Today, six hours ago, I published a sports prediction for a CSGO match. For this match, I placed a $5,000 bet at 1win, where the winnings were $6,100. You can see the image with the total winnings from the bookmaker.

What sports prediction did $5000 CSGO bet on?

The sports prediction was published by me on my website which can be seen on the main page of the site or in the esports section. Here it is if you’re too lazy to look.

$5,000 CS:GO bet on Sharks Esports vs. CORINTHIANS match

Match between Sharks Esports teams – CORINTHIANS and sports betting

My system for analyzing sports predictions did a good job in eSports as well. I uploaded Csgo team statistics to an automatic match prediction system that predicted the outcome of the match from the performance of sports teams Csgo “Sharks Esports” vs “CORINTHIANS”

When I saw the CS:GO match prediction indicators, I immediately bet $5,000 on the outcome that the Sharks Esports team would win the game, and I would win money from the 1win bookmaker.

Today there will be another esports match in which you can win. I made a bet of 6100 dollars already (Amount of winnings from this match) and will publish it soon. It starts in 2 hours. Good luck to all!

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