
Won $500 bet on EC KAC – Grizzlys Wolfsburg hockey game

IMG 20230829 180220 683 1win

My second $500 bet on the EC KAC – Grizzlys Wolfsburg hockey match was settled by 1win for $915. The automatic sports betting system that I created did a good job and brought me money that I will add to the bankroll for the next bets. In this match, EC KAC and Grizzlys Wolfsburg managed to score only 1 goal in the second period. The goal was realized only from the hockey club EC KAC, and according to the sports forecast, at least 2 goals were predicted to be scored by each other on the hockey rink.

I have already calculated several predictions for hockey matches in my sports computer system, but I am waiting for the approval and confirmation of the exact composition of the hockey teams that will come out to play on the hockey court. I want to make a very profitable bet against the 1win bookmaker on a site with a high odds.

I wish you all bigger and more frequent wins. Write who won how much by betting on sports at the 1win bookmaker.

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