
$450 bet on Newcastle United vs Liverpool

IMG 20230828 141433 273 1win

My prediction was calculated by the bookmaker 1win for the Newcastle United – Liverpool match with a return of the bet amount in the amount of $ 450.

I would like to note that this is the second sports bet with such a result and was also placed a few days before the Newcastle United vs Liverpool match. If you read my previous post about the result of the match Sheffield United vs Manchester City, legeo assume that this is a similar situation for exactly all 100 ventures. It is not worth describing a lot about the analysis of a sporting event. I already described everything with another post, check it out. I want to say that there will only be no premature predictions for matches if the composition of the teams that will take the field in the first half is not approved.

After these cases of premature sports predictions, now I understand my automatic spotting system even better, which will allow me to earn More on the 1win website.

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One Comment

IMG 20230828 002353 359 1win

Made a $600 bet on Sheffield United – Manchester City wrong.

IMG 20230829 133222 999 1win

Bet on girls match Greet Minnen vs Zeynep Sonmez allowed me to earn