
$1900 bet: 1win bookmaker or I make money on the Georgian Cup

IMG 20230907 145555 819 1win

The match has already started and the broadcast is from Georgia. Better hurry dudes, have time to place a sports bet on the Georgian match with good odds in which the teams Spaeri and Torpedo Kutaisi play.

Forecast for the Georgian match, my artificial intelligence calculated that it is necessary to mtavati for the match total 2.5 less. There is a high probability of making money on the prediction of a neural network (Artificial Intelligence, AI) that predicts matches in the Georgian Cup. As a result, we will get a profit due to winnings at the bookmaker’s office. Cool? – I think dudes, yes! 

My bet total 2.5 under has already been placed on the match Spaeri – Torpedo Kutaisi according to a sports prediction predicted by artificial intelligence:

IMG 20230907 145559 124 1win

On the coupon from the website of the 1win bookmaker, in the image, you can see the coefficient on which I placed my bet total 2.5 less. Winning over $3000 dudes and that’s awesome! Soon I will throw off another forecast on which you can earn money, wait guys. Amen🤞

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